Kate Gould Gardens

Kate Gould Gardens Logo and Header Image


Kate Gould Gardens have won six gold medals at the Chelsea Flower Show as well as multiple international awards. Kate is also a published author, her debut book “Urban Garden Design” made the list for top gardening books in a number of publications.


Although the company had grown to be a prestigious design and installation firm with a near legendary industry status, they were still receiving enquiries asking if Kate could “pop round to mow the lawn”. Clearly there was a need to elevate the brand.

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Brand elevation was achieved through a combination of messaging and visuals. They specialise in small, urban gardens, creating beautiful but useable spaces. the tagline “Gardens For Living” was selected to reflect the idea that your garden can become a stylish extension of your home.


This was paired with a refined colour palette, an elegant logo and a classic font stack with a high-end feel. A complete website redesign and build featuring their new branding made it official. They soon stopped receiving enquiries for gardening odd jobs.  

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"Numerous clients have commented on the branding and love it and have taken note of the change it has made to understanding exactly what the company offers as a service... Building the team has been a much easier process with values in mind.”

Founder, Kate Gould Gardens

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Kate Gould Gardens